Instructional Professor &
Assistant Department Head for Academic Affairs
Fax: 979-845-2891
320 HELD
Joined the Department in 2011
- B.S. Sericulture, University of Agricultural Sciences (UAS), Bangalore, India
- M.S. Entomology, Texas A&M University
- Ph.D. Entomology, Texas A&M University
- Nominated for Society of College Science Teachers Outstanding Undergraduate Science Teaching Award. 2020
- 2020 Leadership in Diversity and Equity award, College of Science, TAMU.
- 2020 Presidential Professor for Teaching Excellence Award, TAMU.
- Scientific Teaching Mentor, Online Summer Institute on Scientific Teaching, Mohammed Al-Mana College for Medical Sciences (MACHS), Saudi Arabia. 2020
- The Association of Former Students College-Level Teaching Distinguished Achievement Award, TAMU. 2019
- Scientific Teaching Fellow, Summer Institute on Scientific Teaching, co-sponsored by the National Academies and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. 2019
- Dr. Karl J. Aufderheidi Award for Teaching Excellence. Department of Biology, TAMU. 2019
- 21st Century Classroom Building (21CCB) Fellow. Dean of Faculties, TAMU. 2019
- National Academies Education Fellow, co-sponsored by the National Academies and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. 2018
- Faculty Sustainability Champion Award. The Office of Sustainability, TAMU. 2019
BIOL 100 Horizons in Biology
Credits 0-1. 0-1 Lecture Hours.
Introduction to the study of biology at Texas A&M University; gain knowledge of departmental and campus resources to assist and enhance the pursuit of a degree in biology, microbiology, molecular and cellular biology or zoology.
BIOL 113 Essentials in Biology
Credits 3. 3 Lecture Hours.
(BIOL 1308, BIOL 1408) Essentials in Biology. One-semester biology for non-majors; overview of essential biological concepts and their application to real world and contemporary issues; topics include evolution, biodiversity, cellular, molecular and forensic biology, genetics and heredity to scientific literacy, human impact on the environment, genetically modified organisms and emerging diseases.
1. 2022-2025 Clough, M (PI), Herman, B (Co-PI), Rao, A (Co-PI). Using Novel Instructional Materials to Improve Students’ Trust in STEM for Decision-Making about Socially-relevant Issues. NS-IUSE $599,977, pending.
2. 2021-2025 Theodora, C. (PI), Keith (PI), Huang (Co-PI), Ramasubramanian (Co-PI), Timmons (Co-PI), Ritchey (Sr. Personnel), Rao, A (Sr. Personnel) and Pellois (Sr. Personnel). Collaborative Research: HCC: Medium: Tracking real-life microaggressive experiences of minoritized students in STEM. NSF, $706,166, pending.
3. 2021-2024 Herman, B (PI), Rao, A (Co-PI), Clough, M (Co-PI), Joanna Goodey (Co-PI) and Tamara Powers (Co-PI). Story Behind the Pseudoscience: Promoting Informed Socioscientific Decision-making. Improving Undergraduate STEM Education: Education and Human Resources. NSF-IUSE. $599,870.
4. 2020-2021 Herman, B (PI), Rao, A (Co-PI) and Clough, M (Co-PI). RAPID: Responsible Action through COVID-19 Education (RACE). NSF-IUSE. $112,004.
5. 2020-2021 Rao, A (PI). Placement of BioFirst freshmen in research laboratories – a high impact practice to enhance student learning and diversity. Climate and Diversity Innovation Grants, College of Science, TAMU. $7,500.
6. 2019-2020 Rao, A (PI). Academic Innovation Grant – Re-designing OpenStax textbook illustrations to enhance student learning in gateway biology courses. Instructional Technology Services, TAMU. $10,000.
7. 2019-2020 Whitfield, J and Rao, A (Collaborator). Academic Innovation Grant – Promoting student success in calculus with on-demand videos. Instructional Technology Services, TAMU. $10,000.
8. 2018-2020 Tag, A (PI), Erickson, J., Kemp, M, Le Boeuf, B., Lee, C., MacKenzie, D., McKnight, T., Rao, A (Collaborator), Ryan, K and Wan, W. Laboratory Course Redesign to Enhance Learning and Improve Student Outcomes in Introductory Biology I & II. The Office of Dean of Faculties, Academic Affairs and Undergraduate Studies, Center for Teaching Excellence, TAMU, $100,000.
9. 2018-2019 Rao, A (PI). Academic Innovation Grant – Video vignettes for an online non-majors biology course (BIOL 113). Instructional Technology Services, TAMU. $10,000.
10. 2017- Rao, A (PI) and McKnight, T (Co-PI). BioFirst – A Vertically Integrated Learning Community for 1st Generation College Students. Development Grant, Office of the Provost for Academic Affairs, TAMU, $170,000 ($23,000 – program funds, $147,500 – scholarship funds).
11. 2017-2019 Greenbaum, Ira. F., (PI), Tag, A. (Co-PI) and Rao, A (Co-PI). Development of online tools to enhance learning in Introductory Biology II- a core curriculum course in Life and Physical Sciences. Development grant for core curriculum courses enhanced with technology. TAMU. $66,349.
12. 2017-2018 Rao, A (PI). Student Success Faculty Fellow Grant – Integrating open access resources and Just-in-Time teaching to improve student success in gateway biology courses. Office of Undergraduate Studies, Center for Teaching Excellence and Instructional Technology Services, TAMU. $10,000.
13. 2017-2018 Rao, A (PI). Innovative Pedagogy Grant. Developing an online biology course (BIOL 113) for non-majors. Instructional Technology Services, TAMU. $10,000.
Herman, B. C., Clough, M .P., & Rao, A. Socioscientific issues thinking and action in the midst of science-in-the-making. Science and Education, in review.
Rao A., Grimaldi, P. J., Basumallick, D., and Torres, J. Retrieval oriented reading assignments and subsequent classroom learning: An expertise reversal effect. Proceedings of Annual meeting of American Educational Research Association (AERA), San Francisco, California. IRB #: IRB2018-0700.
Salvia R., Nardiello, M., Scieuzo, C., Scala, A., Bufo, S. A., Rao, A., Vogel, H. and Falabella, P. 2018. Novel Factors of Viral Origin Inhibit TOR Pathway Gene Expression. Frontiers in Physiology, 9:1678pp.
Carmen S., Nardiello, M., Salvia, R., Pezzi, M., Chicca, M., Leis, M., Befo, S. A., Vinson, S. A., Rao, A., Vogel, H. and Falabella, P. 2018. Ecdysteroidogenesis and development in Heliothis virescens (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) Focus on PTTH-stimulated pathway. J. Insect Physiol,107:57-67.
Vinson, S. B., Greenberg, S., Liu, T. X., Rao, A. and Volosuic, L. 2016. Trichogramma in augmentative biological control: A worldwide view of the past, present and future. Northwest A&F University Press, China Books.
Greenberg, S., Catana, V. D., Vinson, S. B., Liu, T. X. and Rao, A. 2016. Principles and concepts for optimizing the utilization of Trichogramma in IPM systems: Approaches for improving the evaluation of the parasitism field efficacy. Chapter in the Book eds.: S. B. Vinson, S. Greenberg, T. X. Liu, A. Rao, and L. Volosuic. Trichogramma in augmentative biological control: A worldwide view of the past, present and future. Northwest A&F University Press, China Books, 306-336.
Tshernyshev, W. B., Dahija, A. S., Afonina, V. M., Greenberg, S. M. and Rao, A. 2016. Temporal organization of Trichogramma behavior – Diurnal rhythms of flight and rhythmic alternation of migration and searching of host eggs. Chapter in the Book eds.: S. B. Vinson, S. Greenberg, T. X. Liu, A. Rao and L. Volosuic. Trichogramma in augmentative biological control: A worldwide view of the past, present and future. Northwest A&F University Press, China Books, 383-390.