Full Directory

profile photo of dawood abbasDawood Abbas
Graduate Student
profile photo of garima abbiGarima Abbi
Graduate Student
profile photo of goke adegbiteGoke Adegbite
Graduate Student
adeniji oluwamosopeOluwamosope Adeniji
Graduate Student
profile photo of lawal.agboolaLawal Agboola
Graduate Student
profile photo of anjaliAnjali Agrawal
Graduate Student
Profile Photo of Ramesh RijalNeha Ahuja
Postdoctoral Research Associate

Email: neha_ahuja@tamu.edu

TAMU Biology LogoZara Akbari
Graduate Student
TAMU Biology LogoOluwaseun Aladeboyeje
Graduate Student

Email: ot_aladeboyeje@tamu.edu

TAMU Biology LogoGeorgia Lee Albrecht
Research Assistant, Farhy Lab

Email: galbrecht@bio.tamu.edu

Profile Photo of ben alexanderBen Alexander
Lab Instructor

Office: 140 BSBW | Phone: 862-3409
Email: malexander@bio.tamu.edu

TAMU Biology LogoJames Alfieri
Postdoctoral Research Associate

Email: j.alfieri@tamu.edu

TAMU Biology LogoMohammad Al Hasan
Graduate Student
profile photo maria aliMaria Ali
Graduate Student, Riley Lab
TAMU Biology LogoGuatam Apte
Research Assistant
Profile Photo of Rodolpho AramayoRodolfo Aramayo
Associate Professor

Aramayo Profile
Office:412A BSBW | Phone: 845-4342 | Lab: 4154 BSBW | Phone: 862-4376
Email: raramayo@tamu.edu

profile photo of archuletaAlice Archuleta-Ochoa
Graduate Student
profile photo of theresa aririTheresa Ariri
Graduate Student
profile photo of nicole armitageNicole Armitage
Graduate Student
TAMU Biology LogoKisalka Athukoala
Graduate Student
Profile Photo of Karl AufderheideKarl Aufderheide
Associate Professor Emeritus

Aufderheide Profile
Office: 101A BSBW | Phone: 845-7775 | Lab: 101A BSBW
Email: kauf@bio.tamu.edu

profile photo of michael awuahMichael Awuah
Graduate Student
Profile Photo of Will BaileyWill Bailey
Assistant Department Head, Business Services

Office: 100E Butler | Phone: 845-2635
Email: wbailey@bio.tamu.edu

TAMU Biology LogoSourima Banerjee
Graduate Student
profile photo of jared bardJared Bard
Assistant Professor 

Bard Profile | Bard Lab Webpage
: 314B BSBE
Email: jbard@tamu.edu

Profile Photo of Lacy BasileLacy Basile
Laboratory Manager

Office: 213E HELD | Phone: 862-3916
Email: lbasile@bio.tamu.edu

profile photo of sam basuSamarpita Basu
Instructional Assistant Professor

Basu Profile
Email: samarb@tamu.edu

TAMU Biology LogoRidita Basunia
Graduate Student
profile photo of carolina basurtoCarolina Basurto De Santiago
Graduate Student
David Bautista
Graduate Student, Mitchell Lab
TAMU Biology LogoAmanda Beckman
Graduate Student, Rosenthal Lab
TAMU Biology LogoKathryn Beebe
Research Assistant, Sangare Lab
Merilyn Beebe
Graduate Student, Sorg Lab
Deb Bell-Pedersen
Distinguished Professor

Bell-Pedersen Profile | Bell-Pedersen Lab Webpage
Office: 210A BSBW | Phone: 847-9237 | Lab: 208-210 BSBW | Phone: 847-9239
Email: dpedersen@bio.tamu.edu

Profile Photo of Mike BenedictMichael Benedik
Regents Professor

Benedik Profile 
Email: benedik@tamu.edu

profile photo of haley bennettHaley Bennett
Graduate Student
Profile Photo of Ramesh RijalSamuel Bennett
Postdoctoral Research Associate

Email: s.bennett@tamu.edu

carolina bertuolCarolina Bertuol
Graduate Student
Griffin Best
Graduate Student, Bell-Pedersen Lab

Email: gbest@bio.tamu.edu

profile photo of Aritra BhattacharyaAritra Bhattacharya
Graduate Student

Email: ecoevoaritra23@tamu.edu

profile photo of Shivani BhutShivani Bhut
Graduate Student

Email: shivanibhut@tamu.edu

photo of taylor blackTaylor Black
Graduate Student

Email: tay777nicole@tamu.edu

Profile Photo of Heath BlackmonHeath Blackmon
Associate Professor & Associate Department Head of Graduate Studies

Blackmon Profile | Blackmon Lab Webpage
: 119C BSBW | Phone: 862-1674 | Lab: 119 BSBW
Email: hblackmon@bio.tamu.edu

Profile Photo of Ramesh RijalStephanie Blain
Postdoctoral Research Associate

Email: sblain@tamu.edu

John Book
Client Technologies Analyst I, Biology IT Services

Office: 425A BSBW | Phone: 845-7751
Email: jbook@bio.tamu.edu

Profile Photo of jennifer bradfordJennifer Bradford
Assistant Program Director Graduate Advising

Office: 102 Butler | Phone: 845-7755
Email: gradadvise@bio.tamu.edu

TAMU Biology LogoAudrey Bradley
Graduate Student
TAMU Biology LogoMatthew Bradley
Research Assistant

Email: mbradley222@tamu.edu

josh brehmJoshua Brehm
Graduate Student, Sorg Lab
Matthew Breuer
Graduate Student, Sachs Lab

Breuer Profile
Email: mbreuer@bio.tamu.edu

TAMU Biology LogoBrissa Castillo
Research Assistant

Email: brissa207@tamu.edu

profile photo of Gillian BrownGillian Brown
Graduate Student

Email: gilliebrown@tamu.edu

riley buhrowRiley Buhrow
Graduate Student, Smith Lab
chris butlerChris Butler
Instructional Associate Professor

Butler Profile
: 307 Butler
Email: chris.butler@tamu.edu

Aurelio Cadena
Environmental Health & Safety Specialist II

Office: 406 BSBW | Phone: 862-2051
Email: aurelio@tamu.edu

TAMU Biology LogoKindred Campbell
Research Assistant

Email: kcampbell837@tamu.edu

Profile Photo of Lisa CampbellLisa Campbell
Professor Emerita (Joint OCNG)

Campbell Profile
: 119 Eller O&M | Phone: 845-5706
Email: lisacampbell@tamu.edu

TAMU Biology LogoMaxine Canelas
Graduate Student
profile photo of zachary cantuZachary Cantu
Graduate Student
joeseph carrJoseph Carr
Graduate Student, Mitchell Lab
profile photo of kayla carterKayla Carter
Graduate Student
Connor Case
Technician I

Office: 318 HELD | Phone: 845-4679
Email: connor.case@tamu.edu

TAMU Biology LogoVincent Cassone
Professor Emeritus

Cassone Profile
Email: vincent.cassone@uky.edu

TAMU Biology LogoCharity Cavazos
Instructional Assistant Professor, McAllen Campus

Email: ccavazos@tamu.edu

TAMU Biology LogoLaura Cercone
Graduate Student
TAMU Biology LogoMahul Chakraborty
Assistant Professor

Chakraborty Profile | Chakraborty Lab Website
410 BSBW Lab: 401 BSBW

Profile Photo of Ramesh RijalXin Chen
Postdoctoral Research Associate


profile photo of sean chienSean Chien
Graduate Student
fancisca cid rojasFrancisca Cid Rojas
Graduate Student
photo of mikayla clarkMikayla Clark
Graduate Student
Profile Photo of bill cohnWilliam Cohn
Instructional Associate Professor

Cohn Profile
: 213K HELD
Email: bcohn@bio.tamu.edu

Kristen Consalvo
Graduate Student, Gomer Lab

Consalvo Profile

megan copelandMegan Copeland
Graduate Student
Brittany Cornell
Graduate Student
Email: bcornell@bio.tamu.edu
Andrew Cothrell
Graduate Student, Smith Lab
Profile Photo of Charles CriscioneCharles Criscione
Professor & Associate Dean, Graduate and Professional School

Criscione Profile | Criscione Lab Webpage
: 207A Butler | Phone: 845-0917 | Lab: 207 Butler | Phone: 845-0925
Email: ccriscione@bio.tamu.edu

TAMU Biology LogoGayla Cronauer
Business Coordinator I, Business Services

Office: 100G Butler | Phone: 845-4264
Email: gcronauer@bio.tamu.edu

TAMU Biology LogoNeha Dabral
Clinical Assistant Professor

Email: ndabral@tamu.edu

gabrielle dampfGabrielle Dampf
Graduate Student
profile photo of brendan d'angeloBrendan D’Angelo
Graduate Student
Kasuni Daundasekara
Graduate Student, Pepper Lab

Daundasekara Profile
Email: kdaundasekara@bio.tamu.edu

TAMU Biology LogoJonathan Davis
Graduate Student
michael debrahMichael Debrah
Graduate Student
Profile Photo of Kira DelmoreKira Delmore
Associate Professor

Delmore Profile | Delmore Lab Webpage
Office: 136 BSBW | Lab: 119 BSBW | Phone: 845-6626
Email: kdelmore@bio.tamu.edu

nolan dittenhauserNolan Dittenhauser
Graduate Student
Profile Photo of Richard DixonRichard A. Dixon, FRS
Visiting Professor | HIAS Fellow

Email: rdixon@bio.tamu.edu

owen dorseyOwen Dorsey
Graduate Student, Rosenthal Lab (EEB)

Email: odorsey@bio.tamu.edu

Jennifer Dong
Research Assistant, Li Lab

Email: jdong@bio.tamu.edu

madelyn dotsonMadelyn Dotson
Graduate Student
Profile Photo of Jen DulinJennifer Dulin
Associate Professor

Dulin Profile | Dulin Lab Webpage
Office: 3126A ILSB | Phone: 845-4589 | Lab: 3128 ILSB
Email: jdulin@bio.tamu.edu

Profile Photo of Ramesh RijalMysia Dye
Postdoctoral Research Associate

Email: mdye@tamu.edu

Barb Earnest
Senior Research Associate

Office: 014 BSBW | Phone: 845-0304
Email: bearnest@bio.tamu.edu

David Earnest
Professor (Joint Appointment) | Neuroscience & Experimental Therapeutics

Office: 2004 MREB
Email: dearnest@tamu.edu

profile photo of austen ehrieAusten Ehrie
Graduate Student
jorja elliotJorja Elliott
Graduate Student
TAMU Biology LogoMohanad El-Sobky
Graduate Student
TAMU Biology LogoQori Emilia
Graduate Student
Sharon Epps
Technical Laboratory Coordinator

Office: 213 HELD
Email: sepps@bio.tamu.edu

James Erickson
Associate Professor, Associate Head for Academic Affairs

Erickson Profile
Office: 348C BSBW | Phone: 862-2204 | Lab: 348 BSBW | Phone: 845-6747
Email: jwerickson@tamu.edu

profile photo of Akram EsfandaniAkram Esfandani
Graduate Student

Email: aesfandani@tamu.edu

Tamineh Esfandani
Senior Research Associate, Blackmon Lab

Email: tesfandani@bio.tamu.edu

Isabella Farhy
Assistant Professor

Farhy Profile | Farhy Lab Website
: 3141A ILSB | Lab: 3132B, D ILSB
Email: ifarhy@bio.tamu.edu

profile photo of faromikiOlalekan Faromiki
Graduate Student, Nan Lab
paola fascinetto zagoPaola Fascinetto Zago
Graduate Student, Rosenthal Lab
Johnny Fazzino
Research Assistant, Bell-Pedersen Lab

Office: 210 BSBW | Phone: 847-9239
Email: jfazzino@bio.tamu.edu

TAMU Biology LogoMin Feng
Research Assistant, Li Lab

Email: minfeng@tamu.edu

TAMU Biology LogoJamie Lynn Fickey
Business Coordinator I, Business Services

Office: 100F Butler | Phone: 845-7706
Email: jfickey@tamu.edu

TAMU Biology LogoDuraneisha Firmin
Lab Instructor

Office: 117 HELD
Email: dfirmin@bio.tamu.edu

profile photo of velena fisherVelena Fisher
Graduate Student
courtney fitzpatrickCourtney Fitzpatrick
Assistant Professor

Fitzpatrick Profile | Fitzpatrick Lab Website
: 135 BSBW | Phone: 845-2907| Lab: 119 BSBW
Email: cfitzpatrick@bio.tamu.edu

Profile Photo of Samantha FletcherSamantha Fletcher
Instructional Associate Professor

Fletcher Profile
320 HELD

Profile Photo of Ramesh RijalKathryn Gallman
Postdoctoral Research Associate

Email: kgallman@tamu.edu

profile photo of gangopadhyayMadhusree Gangopadhyay
Graduate Student
TAMU Biology LogoBriana Garcia
Graduate Student
Rene Garcia

Garcia Profile | Garcia Lab Webpage
Office: 353 BSBW | Phone: 845-2989 | Lab: 347 BSBW | Phone: 458-0896
Email: rgarcia@bio.tamu.edu

Elyssa Garza
Graduate Student, Pepper Lab (Genetics)

Garza Profile
Office: 214 BSBE | Phone: 845-2683
Email: egarza@bio.tamu.edu

debarati ghoseDebarati Ghose
Instructional Assistant Professor

Ghose Profile
: 3132A ILSB
Email: dghose@tamu.edu

Profile Photo of Ramesh RijalPriscilla Glenn
Postdoctoral Research Associate

Email: pdglenn@tamu.edu

photo of kayla outsideKayla Goforth
Postdoctoral Research Associate

Email: kmgoforth@tamu.edu

Richard Gomer
Distinguished Professor

Gomer Profile | Gomer Lab Webpage
Office: 2121B ILSB | Phone: 458-5745 | Lab: 2116 ILSB | Phone: 458-5750
Email: rgomer@bio.tamu.edu

profile photo of Saurabh GotmareSaurabh Gotmare
Graduate Student

Email: saurabhg808@tamu.edu

profile photo of madison grayMadison Gray
Graduate Student
Profile Photo of Ira GreenbaumIra Greenbaum
Professor Emeritus

Greenbaum Profile

Email: ira@bio.tamu.edu

profile photo of leslie griffithLeslie Griffith
Visiting Professor | (Biology & Center for Biological Clocks Research)
Profile Photo of Larry GriffingLawrence Griffing
Associate Professor

Griffing Profile
Office: 104 BSBW | Phone: 845-6493 | Lab: 105 BSBW | Phone: 845-1625
Email: griffing@bio.tamu.edu

TAMU Biology LogoMaria Guevara
Lab Attendant IV

Office: 116 BSBE | Phone: 845-4342
Email: mguevara@bio.tamu.edu

TAMU Biology LogoJinbai Guo
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Riley Lab

Office: 104 BSBE | Phone: 845-4302
Email: jguo@bio.tamu.edu

chante guyChante Guy
Graduate Student
Profile Photo of Ramesh RijalKaitlin Hampton
Postdoctoral Research Associate

Email: kcasanova21@tamu.edu

Nopakorn Hansanant
Graduate Student, Smith Lab
Profile Photo of Paul HardinPaul Hardin
Distinguished Professor

Hardin Profile | Hardin Lab Webpage
Office: 307C BSBW | Phone: 845-0382 | Lab: 305 BSBW
Email: phardin@bio.tamu.edu

Tamika Harford
Graduate Student, Bell-Pedersen Lab

Email: tharford@bio.tamu.edu

profile photo of kaya harperKaya Harper
Graduate Student

Email: kayaharper@tamu.edu

profile photo of farhana haqueFarhana Haque
Graduate Student
ahmed hashashAhmed Hashash
Instructional Associate Professor

Hashash Profile
Office: 319 HELD | Phone: 862-7485
Email: ahashash@tamu.edu

Profile Photo of Angela HawkinsAngela Hawkins
Instructional Associate Professor

Hawkins Profile
: 320A HELD | Phone: 845-2683
Email: ahawkins@bio.tamu.edu

Maureen Hayden
Graduate Student, Wicksten Lab

Hayden Profile
Email: mhayden@bio.tamu.edu

TAMU Biology LogoAreej Hejab Alharbi
Graduate Student
profile photo of Trey HejmancikTrey Hejtmancik
Graduate Student
profile photo of stephanie hendricksStephanie Hendricks
Graduate Student
Benjamin Herman
Professor (Joint Appointment)

Herman Profile
Office:412A BSBW
Email: bcherman@tamu.edu

Profile Photo of Ramesh RijalCarolyn Herrera
Research Assistant

Email: calmaherra@tamu.edu

Silvio Herrera
Assistant Research Scientist, Smotherman Lab

Email: sherrera@bio.tamu.edu

Jorden Holland
Graduate Student, Riley Lab

Holland Profile
Email: jholland@bio.tamu.edu

profile photo of Chieh-Wen HoChieh-Wen Ho
Graduate Student

Email: cwho1220@tamu.edu 

TAMU Biology LogoMakeda Hooker
Senior Research Associate

Office: 014 BSBW | Phone: 845-0304
Email: makedah@tamu.edu

TAMU Biology LogoMohsen Hooshyar

Email: hooshyar@tamu.edu

TAMU Biology LogoRachael Hormberg
Graduate Student
Profile photo of yuhan huangYuhan Huang
Graduate Student, Zarin Lab

Email: yhuang@bio.tamu.edu

issam ismailIssam Ismail
Graduate Student
Profile Photo of Ramesh RijalAudrey Jacq
Postdoctoral Research Associate

Email: ajacq@tamu.edu

profile photo of vipin jagritVipin Jagrit
Graduate Student
TAMU Biology LogoMinal Jain
Research Assistant

Email: jainmi00@tamu.edu

Frank Jalufka
Graduate Student, McCreedy Lab
Donna Janes
Instructional Associate Professor

Janes Profile
319 HELD | Phone: 458-1673
Email: djanes@bio.tamu.edu

TAMU Biology LogoKendall Jeter
Supervisor, Stockroom

Office: 101 BSBE | Phone: 845-0437
Email: kendallregan@tamu.edu

yuchao jiangYuchao Jiang
Associate Professor (Joint Appointment, Statistics)

Jiang Profile | Jiang Lab Website
: 459E Blocker
Email: yuchaojiang@tamu.edu

Lieu Jean
Senior Administrative Coordinator I

Office: 100C Butler | Phone: 862-4093
Email: ljean@bio.tamu.edu

profile photo of brynn johnson holding fishBrynn Johnson
Graduate Student
victor johnsonVictor Johnson
Research Specialist III, Instrument Shop

Office: 427 BSBW | Phone: 845-9285
Email: vej@bio.tamu.edu

TAMU Biology LogoMin Ju
Visiting Scholar, Smith Lab

Email: mju@bio.tamu.edu

jeff jonesJeff Jones
Assistant Professor

Jones Profile | Jones Lab Website
: 118 BSBE | Lab: 116 BSBE, 437 BSBW
Email: jjones@bio.tamu.edu

thushinari josephThushinari Joseph
Graduate Student, Smith Lab
Profile Photo of Ramesh RijalBinnypreet Kaur
Postdoctoral Research Associate

Email: binny@tamu.edu

Hannah Justen
Graduate Student, Delmore Lab

Email: hjusten@bio.tamu.edu

alex keeneAlex Keene
Professor & Department Head

Keene Profile
Office: 100D Butler | Phone: 458-1365
Email: akeene@bio.tamu.edu

Profile Photo of Michael KempMichael Kemp
Professor Emeritus & Senior Advisor, College of Science

Office: 102 BSBW | Phone: 862-8367
Email: mkemp@bio.tamu.edu

Profile photo of sara milliganSara Kirolos Milligan
Graduate Student, Gomer Lab

Kirolos Milligan Profile
Email: skirolos@bio.tamu.edu

profile photo of koen kleinKoen Kleine
Graduate Student
photo of matthias kochMatthias Koch
Assistant Professor
Office: 409 BSBW
TAMU Biology LogoDeborah Kuhn
Instructional Assistant Professor

Kuhn Profile
Email: dkuhn@tamu.edu

Profile Photo of Ramesh RijalSathish Kumar Kumar
Research Scientist

Email: kskumar@tamu.edu

profile photo of michael kyereMichael Kyere
Graduate Student

Email: mkyere1@tamu.edu

profile photo of teresa lambTeresa Lamb
Assistant Research Scientist, Bell-Pedersen Lab

Office: 210 BSBW | Phone: 847-9239
Email: tlamb@bio.tamu.edu

TAMU Biology LogoCeleste Langlinais
Graduate Student
Miranda Leal
Graduate Student, McCreedy Lab

Email: mleal@bio.tamu.edu

Brigitte Le Boeuf
Instructional Associate Professor

Le Boeuf Profile
: 331 BSBW
Email: bleboeuf@bio.tamu.edu

Profile Photo of Chris LeeChris Lee
Instructional Associate Professor

Lee Profile
: 315C HELD | Phone: 458-3399
Email: clee@bio.tamu.edu

Profile Photo of McKensie DaughertyMcKensie Le Fevre
Associate Director

Office: 100I Butler | Phone: 845-7752
Email: mdaugherty@bio.tamu.edu

Profile photo of emma lehmbergEmma Lehmberg
Graduate Student, Rosenthal Lab

Email: elehmberg@bio.tamu.edu

profile photo of wanhe liWanhe Li
Assistant Professor

Li Profile | Li Lab Website
: 308A BSBW | Lab: 308 BSBW | Phone: 458-0009
Email: wli01@tamu.edu

profile photo of victoria lightfootVictoria Lightfoot
Graduate Student

Email: vlightfoot@tamu.edu

TAMU Biology LogoEvan Lloyd
Graduate Student
Profile Photo of Christy LongcrierChristy Longcrier
Technician III

Office: 213F HELD | Phone: 845-3671
Email: clongcrier@bio.tamu.edu

TAMU Biology LogoJonatan Lozano
Technician I

Office: 318 HELD | Phone: 845-4679
Email: jloza0598@bio.tamu.edu

Profile Photo of jacob lyonsJacob Lyons
Lab Instructor
Email: jlyons@bio.tamu.edu

photo of Jill LysterJill Lyster
Academic Advisor III

Office: 107E Butler | Phone: 845-3116
Email: llyster@bio.tamu.edu

profile photo of marina maaleMarina Maale
Graduate Student
Profile Photo of Duncan MacKenzieDuncan MacKenzie
Associate Professor Emeritus

MacKenzie Profile
Office: 306D BSBE | Phone: 845-7701 | Lab: 107 BSBE | Phone: 845-7753
Email: duncan@bio.tamu.edu

TAMU Biology LogoGrace Madrid
Administrative Associate II

Email: gracielamadrid-2004@tamu.edu

Profile Photo of Ramesh RijalKelsey Mainard
Research Assistant

Email: k.mainard@tamu.edu

Sabyasachi Mandal
Postdoctoral Research Associate McKnight Lab

Office: 206 BSBE | Phone: 845-6749
Email: smandal@bio.tamu.edu

profile photo of Parinita MandhyanParinita Mandhyan
Graduate Student
ryne manessRyne Maness
Graduate Student
Profile Photo of Mike MansonMike Manson
Professor Emeritus

Email: mike@bio.tamu.edu

matthew maranoMatthew Marano
Graduate Student, EEB
TAMU Biology LogoStephen Maren
Professor (Joint Appointment)
profile photo of Lara MattanaLara Mattana
Graduate Student

Email: lara.ferst@tamu.edu

Sara Maynard
Graduate Student, Griffing Lab

Maynard Profile
Email: smaynard@bio.tamu.edu

Dylan McCreedy
Assistant Professor

McCreedy Profile | McCreedy Lab Website
Office: 3126B ILSB | Lab: 3128 ILSB
Email: dmccreedy@bio.tamu.edu

TAMU Biology LogoAnnie McKelroy
Administrative Associate I

Email: amckelroy@tamu.edu

Tom McKnight

McKnight Profile
Office: 202C BSBE | Phone: 845-3896 | Lab: 206 BSBE | Lab Phone: 845-6749
Email: mcknight@bio.tamu.edu

Uel Jackson McMahan
Professor Emeritus
McMahan Profile
Office: 3141 ILSB | Phone: 845-2301 | Office: 3132 ILSB | Phone: 458-5564
Email: grantser@bio.tamu.edu

Jerome Menet
Associate Professor

Menet Profile | Menet Lab Webpage
Office: 354 BSBW | Phone: 458-5696 | Lab: 301 BSBW | Phone: 458-8599
Email: menet@bio.tamu.edu

Profile Photo of Christine MerlinChristine Merlin

Merlin Profile | Merlin Lab Webpage
Office: 118C BSBE | Phone: 862-2457 | Lab: 102 BSBE | Phone: 845-3655
Email: cmerlin@bio.tamu.edu

TAMU Biology LogoNegin Mirhosseini
Instructional Assistant Professor, McAllen Campus

Email: negin@tamu.edu

Profile Photo of Angela MitchellAngela Mitchell
Assistant Professor

Mitchell Profile | Mitchell Lab Webpage
Office: 301A BSBE | Lab: 308 BSBE | Phone: 979-845-5158
Email: amitchell@bio.tamu.edu

profile photo of zil modiZil Modi
Graduate Student
profile photo of Farina MohammadpourmirFarina Mohammadpourmir
Graduate Student
profile photo of sidharthSidharth Mohan
Graduate Student
TAMU Biology LogoIsmael Morales
Graduate Student
profile photo of rachel moranRachel Moran
Assistant Professor

Moran Profile | Moran Lab Website
Office: 305A Butler | Lab: 305 Butler
Email: rlmoran@tamu.edu

profile photo of matt moultonMatthew Moulton
Assistant Professor

Moulton Profile | Moulton Lab Website
Office: 202C BSBE | Lab: 206 BSBE
Email: mmoulton@tamu.edu

Profile Photo of Ramesh RijalVanessa Muhl
Research Associate

Email: v.muhl@tamu.edu

profile photo of bill murphyWilliam Murphy
Professor (Joint Appointment)
TAMU Biology LogoRuby Mustill
Graduate Student (EEB)
Profile Photo of Beiyan NanBeiyan Nan
Associate Professor

Nan Profile | Nan Lab Webpage
Office: 306C BSBE | Phone: 845-3487 | Lab: 307 BSBE | Phone: 458-1377
Email: bnan@bio.tamu.edu

hailee nerberHailee Nerber
Graduate Student, Sorg Lab

Nerber Profile
Email: hnerber@bio.tamu.edu

Benjamin Neuman

Neuman Profile
Office: 301B BSBE | Phone: 458-5841
Email: bneuman@bio.tamu.edu

TAMU Biology LogoErin Nguyen
Graduate Student

Email: enguyen@bio.tamu.edu

Profile photo of xinyu nieXinyu Nie
Graduate Student, Menet Lab

Email: xnie@bio.tamu.edu

Vanessa Nordell
Academic Advisor IV

Office: 107 Butler | Phone: 845-3116
Email: vnordell@bio.tamu.edu

Profile Photo of jerry nortonJerry Norton
Lab Instructor

Office: 117 HELD

TAMU Biology LogoStephen Oderinde
Graduate Student
esther odusanwoEsther Odusanwo
Graduate Student
olajumoke ogunlusiOlajumoke Ogunlusi
Graduate Student
mustafa ozturgutMustafa Ozturgut
Research Assistant

Email: mozturgut@tamu.edu

TAMU Biology LogoJustin Palermo
Graduate Student
Daniel Paredes-Sabja
Associate Professor

Paredes-Sabja Profile
: 3214A ILSB | Lab: 3213 ILSB | Phone: 847-5689
Email: dparedes-sabja@bio.tamu.edu

profile photo of sam parkSam Park
Graduate Student
C.O. Patterson
Professor Emeritus

Office: 103A BSBW | Phone: 845-2187 | Lab: 103 BSBW
Email: cop@bio.tamu.edu

TAMU Biology LogoBrooke Stair
Graduate Student
profile photo of lily penaLily Peña
Office: 120 BSBE | Phone: 845-7781
Email: lpena2018@tamu.edu
Profile Photo of Alan PepperAlan Pepper

Pepper Profile
Office: 214B BSBE | Phone: 845-2518 | Lab: 214 BSBE | Phone: 845-2683
Email: apepper@bio.tamu.edu

profile photo of taminah pervinTahmina Pervin
Graduate Student
Joshua Pettibon
Graduate Student, Nan Lab

Email: jpettibon@bio.tamu.edu

Profile Photo of Darrell PillingDarrell Pilling
Research Assistant Professor, Gomer Lab

Office: 2121 ILSB | Phone: 458-5746
Email: dpilling@bio.tamu.edu

Marjorie Pizzaro-Guajardo
Assistant Research Scientist, Paredes-Sabja Lab
TAMU Biology LogoHayden Powers
Graduate Student
Hongmin Qin

Qin Profile | Qin Lab Webpage
Office: 228A BSBW | Phone: 458-0512 | Lab: 201 BSBW | Phone: 862-4580
Email: hqin@bio.tamu.edu

profile photo of harineeHarinee Rajagopalan
Graduate Student
Profile Photo of Ramesh RijalAditi Raju
Postdoctoral Research Associate

Email: araju@bio.tamu.edu

TAMU Biology LogoBrenda Ramirez
Graduate Student, Nan Lab
profile photo of manny ramirezManuel Ramirez
Research Assistant
profile photo of jolene ramseyJolene Ramsey
Assistant Professor
Office: 306E BSBE | Phone: 862-8071 | Lab: 312 BSBE | Phone: 862-8391
Asha Rao
Instructional Professor & Assistant Department Head for Academic Affairs

Rao Profile
: 320 HELD | Phone: 845-7766
Email: arao@bio.tamu.edu

Profile Photo of Ramesh RijalAakriti Rastogi
Graduate Student

Email: aakriti@tamu.edu

profile photo of rebecca redmondRebekah Redmond
Research Assistant, Siegele Lab

Email: rredmond@bio.tamu.edu

profile photo of jessie reedJessie Reed
Graduate Student
susan reedSusan Reed
Manager, Greenhouse/Nursey Operations

Office: 4th floor BSBE
Email: sreed@bio.tamu.edu

TAMU Biology LogoNicole Rehtmeyer
Research Assistant, Dulin Lab

Email: nicole.rehtmeyer@tamu.edu

Profile photo of shelby reidShelby Reid
Graduate Student, McCreedy lab

Office: 3128 ILSB | Phone: 458-5563
Email: skreid@bio.tamu.edu

Kyoungsun Rha
Graduate Student, Harlow Lab

Rha Profile
Office: 3128 ILSB | Phone: 458-5563
Email: krha@bio.tamu.edu

Ramesh Rijal
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Gomer Lab

Email: rrijal@bio.tamu.edu

Bruce Riley

Riley Profile | Riley Lab Webpage
Office: 118A BSBE | Phone: 845-6494 | Lab: 104 BSBE | Phone: 845-4302
Email: briley@bio.tamu.edu

Julio Rincones-Gamboa
Graduate Student, Aramayo Lab

Rincones-Gamboa Profile
Email: jgamboa@bio.tamu.edu

TAMU Biology LogoPeter Rizzo
Associate Professor Emeritus

Email: rizzo@bio.tamu.edu

Whitney Roberson
Graduate Student, Riley Lab

Roberson Profile
Email: wroberson@bio.tamu.edu

profile photo of Xavier RodriguezXavier Rodriguez
Graduate Student

Email: xavierfmr@tamu.edu

profile photo of Jennifer RudolfJennifer Rudolf
Graduate Student

Email: jsrudolf@tamu.edu

profile photo of alex samanoAlex Samano
Graduate Student
Citlali Sanchez
Technician I

Office: 213 HELD
Email: lalisanchez@tamu.edu

tapasree sarkarTapasree Roy Sarkar
Assistant Professor

Sarkar Profile Page
: 233 BSBW
Email: tsarkar@bio.tamu.edu

Kathryn Ryan
Instructional Associate Professor, Undergraduate Research Coordinator, & Director of Biology Honors

Ryan Profile
Office: 103 BSBW
Email: kryan@bio.tamu.edu

Profile Photo of Matthew SachsMatthew Sachs

Sachs Profile
Office: 213B BSBW | Phone: 845-5930 | Lab: 215 BSBW | Phone: 845-5905
Email: msachs@bio.tamu.edu

profile photo of ali saberAli Saber
Graduate Student

Email: alisaber@tamu.edu

Profile photo of aishwarya sahasrabudheAishwarya Sahasrabudhe
Graduate Student, Menet Lab

Sahasrabudhe Profile
Email: asahasrabudhe@bio.tamu.edu

Javier Sanchez
Graduate Student, Paredes-Sabja Lab

Email: jsanchez@bio.tamu.edu

profile photo of lamba sangareLamba Omar Sangare
Assistant Professor

Sangare Profile | Sangare Lab Website
: 202A BSBE | Phone: 458-0011| Lab: 201 BSBE | Phone: 458-0010
Email: losangare@bio.tamu.edu

TAMU Biology LogoManish Sapkota
Graduate Student
mrinmoy sarkarMrinmoy Sarkar
Postdoctoral Research Associate

Email: smrinmoy@tamu.edu

profile photo of gitartha sarmaGitartha Sarma
Graduate Student
Shogo Sato
Assistant Professor

Sato Profile
Office: 309 BSBW
Email: shogo.sato@bio.tamu.edu

Profile Photo of Ramesh RijalShoko Sato
Research Associate

Email: shoko.sato@bio.tamu.edu

Timothy Scott
Vice Provost, Professor (Joint Appointment)

Scott Profile
Email: provost@tamu.edu

profile photo of andrew seelyAndrew Seely
Instructional Associate Professor

Seely Profile
Email: andrew.seely@tamu.edu

profile photo of shahDeshna Shah
Graduate Student
Profile Photo of Ramesh RijalVinaya Shetty
Postdoctoral Research Associate

Email: vshetty@tamu.edu

Debby Siegele
Associate Professor

Siegele Profile
Office: 102 BSBW | Phone: 862-4022 | Lab: 233 BSBW | Phone: 862-4159
Email: siegele@bio.tamu.edu

TAMU Biology LogoCatherine Silkwood
Instructional Assistant Professor, McAllen Campus

Email: csilkwood@tamu.edu

Profile Photo of Ramesh RijalSamarjeet Singh
Postdoctoral Research Associate

Email: samarjeetsingh2@tamu.edu

Profile Photo of Ramesh RijalSamarjeet Singh
Postdoctoral Research Associate

Email: samarjeetsingh2@tamu.edu

Dinuki Siriwardana
Graduate Student, Griffing Lab
ankura sitaulaAnkura Sitaula
Graduate Student
James Smith

Smith Profile | Smith Lab Webpage
Office: 314D BSBE | Phone: 845-2417 | Lab: 318/320 BSBW | Phone: 845-2446
Email: jsmith@bio.tamu.edu

profile photo of k'shawn smithK’shawn Smith
Technician II

Office: 318 HELD | Phone: 845-4679
Email: ksmith@bio.tamu.edu

Morgan Smith
Graduate Student, Sorg Lab

Smith Profile Page

Email: msmith@bio.tamu.edu

Profile Photo of Mike SmothermanMichael Smotherman

Smotherman Profile | Smotherman Lab Website
Office: 110 BSBW | Phone: 845-6504 | Lab: 107 BSBW | Phone: 845-3454
Email: msmotherman@bio.tamu.edu

TAMU Biology LogoFarida Sohrabji
Professor & Head of Department of Neuroscience and Experimental Therapeutics (Joint Appointment)
Joseph Sorg
Professor & Associate Department Head for Faculty Affairs

Sorg Profile | Sorg Lab Webpage
Office: 314C BSBE | Phone: 845-6299 | Lab: 316 BSBE | Phone: 845-6233
Email: jsorg@bio.tamu.edu

TAMU Biology LogoTrenton Stewart
Graduate Student
grace stineGrace Stine
Business Coordinator II, Business Services

Office: 100H Butler | Phone: 845-7704
Email: gstine@bio.tamu.edu

Terrence Sylvester
Graduate Student, Blackmon Lab

Sylvester Profile
Email: tsylvester@bio.tamu.edu

Andrew Tag
Instructional Associate Professor & Director of Lower Division Instruction

Tag Profile
315D HELD | Phone: 845-1994
Email: atag@bio.tamu.edu

TAMU Biology LogoRameen Taherzadeh
Graduate Student
Profile photo of amy tanAmy Tan
Postdoctoral Research Associate
profile photo of tarotMariajose Tarot Palma
Graduate Student
profile photo of taylorCody Taylor
Graduate Student
Profile Photo of lathi taylorLathrop (Lathi) Taylor
Instructional Associate Professor

Taylor Profile
Email: ltaylor@bio.tamu.edu

Profile Photo of Ramesh RijalNirav Thakkar
Postdoctoral Research Associate

Email: n.thakkar@tamu.edu

Terry Thomas
Professor Emeritus

Office: 118D BSBE
Email: terry@bio.tamu.edu

chelsea thornChelsea Thorn
Graduate Student
profile photo of ashley tranAshley Tran
Graduate Student
profile photo of Md Salman Zhair UddinMd Salman Zhair Uddin
Graduate Student
profile photo of rachel urbanRachel Urban
Graduate Student
Profile Photo of Ramesh RijalGuadalupe Valencia
Postdoctoral Research Associate

Email: gvalencia@tamu.edu

denise valeroDenise Valero
Facilities Coordinator II

Office: 225B BSBW Phone: 845-4725
Email: dvalero@bio.tamu.edu

Srutha Venkatesan
Graduate Student, Nan Lab
Wayne Versaw
Professor & Associate Dean for Academic Initiatives

Versaw Profile
Office: 202B BSBE | Phone: 847-8587 | Lab: 204 BSBE | Phone: 845-7709
Email: wversaw@bio.tamu.edu

Crystal Wager
Administrative Associate III, Undergraduate Advising

Office: 107 Butler | Phone: 845-3116
Email: cwager@bio.tamu.edu

TAMU Biology LogoKaitlyn Vetzel
Business Coordinator I, Business Services

Office: 100F Butler | Phone: 845-7706
Email: kaitlynvetzel@tamu.edu

TAMU Biology LogoMyles Wagner
Graduate Student
Yufeng Wan
Graduate Student, Garcia Lab

Wan Profile
Office: 347 BSBW | Phone: 458-0896
Email: ywan@bio.tamu.edu

Profile Photo of Ramesh RijalZiyu Wang
Research Assistant

Email: kennywong@tamu.edu

profile photo of colton wattsJames Watts
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Fitzpatrick Lab

Email: TBA

cara websterCara Webster
Graduate Student
TAMU Biology LogoUrania Wells
Administrative Coordinator II

Office: 315E HELD | Phone: 845-6225
Email: uwells@bio.tamu.edu

Brian White
Graduate Student, Aramayo Lab
profile photo of brit whiteBritt White
Technician II, Lower Division Instruction
Phone: 845-4679
Mary Wicksten

Wicksten Profile
Office: 304A Butler | Phone: 845-3388 | Lab: 304 Butler | Phone: 845-3422
Email: wicksten@bio.tamu.edu

Profile Photo of Allison Wilkes St. ClairAllison Wilkes St. Clair
Senior Lecturer

Wilkes St. Clair Profile
323 BSBE
Email: awilkes@bio.tamu.edu

profile photo of nathan woodNathan Wood
Graduate Student
profile photo of marie straderMarie Strader
Assistant Professor

Strader Profile | Strader Lab Webpage
Email: mstrader@tamu.edu
Office: 216E BSBE Lab: 107 BSBE

Profile photo of bethany willettBethany Walker
Lab Manager, Lower Division Instruction

Office: HELD 315F | Phone: 845-8650

profile photo of mckinley williamsMcKinley Williams
Graduate Student, Smith Lab

Email: mwilliams@bio.tamu.edu

TAMU Biology LogoRachel Wright
Instructor Assistant Professor

Wright Profile
320C HELD | Phone: 845-4605
Email: rwright@bio.tamu.edu

Profile Photo of bin wuBin Wu
Graduate Student, Qin Lab

Office: 111 BSBW

TAMU Biology LogoCheng Wu
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Sachs Lab

Email: cwu@bio.tamu.edu

profile photo of runshi xieRunshi Xie
Instructional Assistant Professor

Xie Profile
Email: fushe001@tamu.edu

TAMU Biology LogoJingjing Yan
Assistant Research Scientist

Email: yanjingjing@tamu.edu

TAMU Biology LogoTristen Yeager
Graduate Student
profile photo of yeragiEshani Yeragi
Graduate Student
mike young profileMichael Young
Visiting Professor & Hagler Fellow

Young Profile

Profile Photo of ry youngRy Young
Distinguished Professor (Joint Appointment), Biochemistry & Biophysics

Young Profile
Office: 311A Bio/Bio | Phone: 845-2087
Email: ryland@tamu.edu

profile photo of yusuf ahmedAhmed Yusuf
Graduate Student
Aref Zarin
Assistant Professor

Zarin Profile | Zarin Lab Website
226A BSBW Phone: 979-862-1597

carolina zertucheCarolina Zertuche Mery
Graduate Student
Jiwei Zhang
Graduate Student, Keene Lab
profile of xiuren zhangXiuren Zhang
Professor (Joint Appointment)

Zhang Profile
Email: xiuren.zhang@tamu.edu

Ying Zhang
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Merlin Lab

Office: 102 BSBE | Phone: 845-3665
Email: yzhang@bio.tamu.edu

Mark Zoran
Professor & Dean of College of Arts and Sciences

Zoran Profile
Office: 231A BSBW | Phone: 845-8099 | Lab: 231 BSBW | Phone: 862-2819
Email: mjzoran@tamu.edu